
Memento Modigi

Modigi is the first Imperial system to fall completely to the Thargoid invaders. The Imperial Navy and a vast alliance of commanders save Muruidooges.

On the 22nd of December 3308 Modigi fell to the Thargoid Invaders. While the Imperial Navy, and a large cadre of both Independent and Imperial aligned commanders had been fighting valiantly for weeks to defend the system, the Thargoid onslaught could not be stemmed. The entire system is now uninhabited, and fully controlled by the alien invaders. Many thousands were wounded during the early fighting, but the vast majority of its citizens could be rescued in time.

Captain Lara Horwick, from the the Imperial Emergency Coordination applauded the rescue efforts:

“While the fighting for the system was still ongoing, we began evacuating the stations and star ports. All in all, the rescue efforts carried roughly 120,000 people to safety. While the initial attack left many dead and thousands wounded, the rescue efforts saved most of them. Total tallies are not yet in, but I am pretty sure we got pretty much everyone from Modigi to safety. I’d also personally thank all the commanders who flew extractions and supplies in and out of the system while being interdicted by the Xeno menace.”

Salus Invicta commander Hekateh shared her experiences:

“I learned a lot during the battle for Modigi. Most importantly, the Thargoids are vast in numbers, and deadly. Without the many great pilots from the Imperial Xeno Defence backing you up, facing an Interceptor is a fast route to the grave. But we used the lessons we learned the hard way in Modigi to better prepare for the defence of Muruidooges.”

With the arrival of a new Thargoid maelstrom, the xenos also invaded another Imperial system of Muruidooges. While it was a close call, the combined efforts of the Imperial Navy, and a cross-alliance between Independent, Alliance and Imperial Commanders managed to beat back the Thargoids before they could establish a foothold. Battles were especially fierce above the planetary port “Marriott Installation”.

CMDR Jeremaya, the leader of the Anti-Xeno forces of the Nova Navy recounted the battle for Muruidooges:

“Then came the arrival of Hadad maelstrom in HIP 30377 deep in Imperial space. With so many invaded Imperial systems it was decided to regroup and relocate, and the first defence target was Muruidooges. But we were already late to the battle. In the Empire’s home world, Capitol, people gathered in front of the Imperial Palace, in fear of Thargoid invasion. As the Battle of Muruidooges progressed, we again felt overwhelmed. The enemy was strong, and we were losing again, with some pilots even leaving the battlefield in despair. But just at the very end of the battle the winds changed - a massive wave of reinforcements arrived to the Muruidooges to help - and those reinforcements turned the battle around. Everyone was fighting, there was no rest, and just in the last moment we managed to save the system. Now there is no rest, the war has just begun. The eyes of the Empire are upon you. The hopes and prayers of people everywhere march with you. In company with our brave Allies and brothers-in-arms on other fronts, you will bring about the destruction of the Thargoid war machine, and security and victory for ourselves.”

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